2024-04-16 21:03:20



发言人   02:13

公司已于19日晚间公布了2023年年度业绩。首先我回顾一下公司的经营成果,然后简要分析一下行业的形式,最后介绍一下公司今年的目标和任务。2023年面对复杂的外部形势和多重挑战,公司积极应对、科学安排,统筹推进生产经营、改革发展等各方面的工作,在稳产增收、降本节支、转型发展等方面持续发力,着力提高盈利能力和经营效率。新能源并网容量创历史新高,全年经营业绩实现扭亏为盈,并实现较大幅度的增长。按照国际会计准则计算,2023年全年公司实现合并营业收入2543.9 7亿元,同比上升3.11%。


发言人   03:18

归属于本公司权益持有者的净利润83.5 7亿元人民币,同比增长163.8 4亿元,同比上升204.13%。每股收益为0.35元。截至2023年底,公司总资产为5503.1 6亿元,权益净资产为1387.6亿元。境外业务盈利水平进一步提升,整体实现盈利49.6亿元,同比增长100.49%,利润贡献度达到了34%。


发言人   04:00

新加坡大水能源经营业绩创了历史的最好水平,实现盈利43.5 5亿元,同比增加24.7 7亿元。资产份额、经营业绩、融资成本、负债率等指标都保持新加坡行业的领先水平。巴基斯坦萨希瓦尔电厂深化提质增效,大力压减生产管理费用,加强电费回收,实现盈利6.0 5亿元,也保持了经营效益的稳定。


发言人   04:40



发言人   05:32



发言人   06:27



发言人   08:28



发言人   10:08



发言人   11:50



发言人   13:49



发言人   15:59

我的介绍就到这里。下面我和我的同事们愿意回答大家提出的问题,和大家一起沟通交流,谢谢大家。好,非常感谢黄总非常详细的一个介绍。接下来是问答的时间,也欢迎各位提问。各位请在回提问之前告诉我们你所属的一个机构和姓名。Thank you,mr.


发言人   16:26

黄。Here we come to the QA session. Please see your name and your organization before raising the questions, and please kindly fill in the questionnaire. Thanks for your corporation.


发言人   16:35

Okay, 这。各位领导好,我是中银国际的分析员飞云金。非常高兴再次能在线下跟各位领导见面,能做一个沟通,也欢迎回到香港。


发言人   16:48



发言人   17:32



发言人   18:02



发言人   18:23

好,谢谢管理层,谢谢您的提问。Uh first could you talk about the uh power purchase agreement signing process and uh from what we know to practices have announced a tariff and IT have a great difference. Do you talk about the contract signings and also the capacity tariff? Uh for a film.


发言人   18:45

Mt second about the company's overseas uh business, uh the singapore in singapore to its power in the first quarter, singapore had a increase in the tariff and uh h do uh talk about the whole eer profit for the singapore business, uh combining fuel market. Third about the company dividend payout. Uh uh, under the chinese accounting standard, the company have a poultry o of fifty seven percent and the ifrs fifty eight percent.


发言人   19:14

And however, the company have a capex plan of eight eighty billion that that is very large. And how can you how will you consider to strip baLance between your cap acts and your picture and payout? And for the the hungry investors because there is a great tax a paid to invest in the asia. So could you uh talk, uh, could do report and have some tax tax relief for our hungry investors. Thank you.


发言人   19:41



发言人   20:06



发言人   21:09

Uh so your question is very uh representative and and please let me introduce my thought on power generation tariff as well as the power market. Uh as we all know, last year, the power consumption nationwide have grows by six point seven percent, and the G, D, P, growth rate was five point two percent. However, we think it's a post pandemic recovery, that is, say, the economy have a recovery.


发言人   21:34

Well, well, in twenty twenty two, we have a low base. 今年我们也都知道,咱们经济工作的总基调是稳中求进,以进促稳,先立后破。不久前刚刚闭幕的重要会议,也明确了今年的GDP增长的目标,设定为5%。


发言人   21:56

而在此之前中电联预测今年全社会用电量同比增长是6%左右。这刚才在幻灯片里也介绍,在没有了明显的低基数效应下,这样的增长目标显然是积极的、乐观的。也就是说我们大的经济环境是比较有利的。So this year the uh government also announced its target, uh, for the whole years economic development.


发言人   22:28

Uh uh most priority thing is to maintain a stability while seeking progress. And the goal for GDP growth in one to twenty four was about five percent, while the CEC also uh forecast six percent a power generation growth. So if there's no other factors such as a low base occurred this year.


发言人   22:48

So we can see the government held a optimistic uh point of view in this year's a economy and well, quite, quite favorable circumstance。Stance, 当然我们不能够离开抛开这个装机的增长,单独来看变量。去年全国新增发电装机3.69亿千瓦,装机的增长率是13.9%。


发言人   23:18



发言人   23:54



发言人   24:28

In last year, a in domestic capacity installed well, we have installed three hundred and sixty nine iguala in total. IT has the eighteen point nine percent increase and is two times the power consumption growth rate. And we can see, uh, very rapid growth in capacity in the short term, uh uh, is for the number divided into wind and dollar.


发言人   24:51

Wind takes seventy six gig wards and solar takes two hundred and sixteen giguet ds. Renewable takes eighty percent of uh whole years. New installation and those installation cannot cover all the power consumption needs. For last year, the unitization hour decreased. However, for thermal power, the extradition or have have increase by seven seventy hours.


发言人   25:13



发言人   26:09

We think the installation of capacity will maintain the same level compared to the twenty twenty three. That means the structure will be very similar to twenty twenty three. So what is the impact that they bought to the market? We think government will continue uh to uh stabilize a new market before a transition from the old market.


发言人   26:28

So the transition can happen in a stable manner. And so the company in guidance for the whole year was four hundred and eighty five billion las hour, increasing by two point two percent. 所以以上是啊我们公司对电量的一个2024年的一个基本看法。关于电价,我想一个大的前提是一定是以市场化为导向的改革,这个时候是全面推进和深化的这是不会变的。也就是说交易电量一定会增加,交易比重一定会增加,现货市场一定会加快扩围,辅助服务市场一定会进一步规范,一定会创新出好多像旅店、律政交易等等形态,结果就是供求关系决定价格高低的这个作用,或者这个影响越来越大。


发言人   27:32

In terms of the tariff, we think all the market ceiling and production is on the premise of marketization ed revolution, that is to say, the market based tariff, the market based power generation will increase, the market based power proportion will increase, the supermarket construction will be accelerated, the considerate service will have have a Better standard, and more market will be introduced to to the investors that had the Green market, the Green certificate, all of the above factor will lead to a supply will be to uh uh circumstances that the supply and demand will be the major force for the tariff. 关于电价的第二个方面,我想分享的就是说容量电价政策全面落地。这个政策它的影响一定不是短期的或者眼前的,我们一定要看得更远一些。每一个企业可以通过容量电价最终回收固定成本。这个一定它稳定了煤电行业的预期,一定会有利于提高煤电企业作为支撑性、调节性电源的条件,有利煤电企业的支撑调节价值实现,发挥煤电企业的保障电力电量供应的顶梁柱、压舱石的作用。


发言人   29:04

In terms of the tariff payment, the tariff the capacity payment, the capacity tariff policy was implemented fully this year, and we think the policy will have an impact in the long run for the thermal units. IT can recover some of its its fixed a cost that will help to stabilize the construction investment as well as the Operation of summer power, make summer power the basis of our power system. 第三个就是一个短期的影响,也就是说煤价从高位回落了也意味着用户我是指电力用户,他的降价的意愿是在逐步增强的。Uh in terms of the short time short term impact about by the tariff reform, our end users have great willingness to cut the tariff.


发言人   30:01

所以对公司而言,未来的工作,刚才在前面也有一所介绍。第一,我们在社会管理上,我们要抓好安全生产,我们要做到能够顶、能够压、能够稳发。能够顶就是说我们能够在用电高峰的时候能顶上,能够压就是在低谷的时候我要能降下来。能够稳发就是说我们能够随时抓住市场机遇去发有效益的电。So for the company, we have following measures taken to tackle the market change, first is to first is our refine management in uh safety production. The company should uh take more responsibility when in the peak hours and the lower of anxiety in the value hours and always making a stable power generation.


发言人   30:54



发言人   31:59

当然我们人能够做的,我们要控制好我们的造价。这个是啊在整个营销上面,我们要以市场为导向,全力争取有效益的电量。So in the company's power sales management, the the market would be a more market oriented one.


发言人   32:16

So our go is to generate more, more powerful power. And as the renewable uh, terror have decreased, foreign measure will be taken by the company. First is to seek a market based uh, continuation of the original terror and seek a gradual decrease of renewable tariff.


发言人   32:33

Second is to seek a regional corporation between our thermal and renewables and to increase revenue. Third is to improve the forecast capability for the company. To improve the uh profit of renewal for is to increase the renewable revenue from Green market, Green certificate and CCER. And also the company will control our construction cost.


发言人   33:00

当然在这个综合管理上面,我们还是要做好各类成本费用的管控,来提升我们的竞争能力。所以综上我们对电价的判断,也就对2024年我们有个也有个指引。我们的指引并不是我们的计划,我们有一个指引,我们会按照这个方向去做判断。2024年公司全年平均电价指引是491.84元每兆瓦时,这个会同比下降3%左右。The company will take a comprehensive management to improve our uh competitive ess in twenty twenty four, the tariff guidance of the company or will be four hundred ninety one point eighty four yule magro hour decreased by three percent a year.


发言人   33:47



发言人   34:12



发言人   34:45

因为我们二三年大家应该基本上就是我们的交易电量,全部的交易电量的占比大概是88%。我刚才说这个大概是62,其实这里都是已经完成了的,大部分是年度的,还有很多是月度的,要陆陆续续去完成。So we think investor won't be too terrified by the, uh, terrible cut because we may have a further cut in our a few cost. And about the type analysis, actually, I can give you the figures that uh, by march fifteen, the company have already signed the electricity purchase agreement amounted to two hundred eighty seven point six eating kilowatt hour that accounts for our total uh estimated power generation about fifty two percent and majority are annual contract and in twenty twenty three, the market base marketplace power cells account for eighty eight percent of our total power sales.


发言人   35:43

有一组数据,已经签约了2876亿,这个里头其中年度的是2529亿。而这个2200 529亿当中,煤电是最主要的,有2417亿,我说这个东西的意思是什么呢?就是说我们这一部分交易电价水平是在465块钱,或者说我们的煤电的交易电价的水平会更高一点,是468块钱。那么这个电价的水平是含了返回来的容量电价的,这个电价的上浮比例是17%点,将近18%。


发言人   36:32

大家可能关注,我们都知道我们去年全部交易的电价的上浮的水平是百分之将近20%。也就是说今年确实从交易电价已经达成协议的角度来看,确实也是在有所下降的。The companies have signed two hundred fifty two point nine billion kilos hour and of what the annual power purchase agreement.


发言人   36:57

And for the coal sector, the coal cal unit has signed two hundred forty one point seven billion million hour and with an average tariff of four hundred sixty five year promo code hour. And for the coal sector, the terror may be even higher to four hundred and sixty eight ym hour. And all those tariff include the capacity payment. Uh, so adding capacity payment, the terror hike was about eighteen percent compared last year. Last year, we achieve a twenty percent tariff hike.


发言人   37:28

就是刚才介绍这个年度的这个已经完成了已经结束了,已经签的月度的这个交易电量是347亿,这个根据以后陆陆续续还会发生,那么已经签订的这个月度的交易价格是461块钱,这个上浮的水平10 700分之17.36也就17点多,其实是差不多的其实是差不多的。So about figures are the annual contract annual contract and for the the mans contract, the the company have signed thirty four point seven billion eight hour with the average Price of four hundred and sixty one year permitted hour. IT has a seventeen point thirty six percent tarpey.


发言人   38:08

It's about similar level to the annual contract. 容量电价在各个省各个地区都已经在执行了,在落地了,各个省也出台了很多的细则从技术角度怎么来去认定,怎么来评价,怎么来考核,都有细则。对公司而言,目前只有我们在云南滇东电厂厂以及北京的电厂,这两个还没有最终的执行,正在解正在落实过程当中,其他都已经执行了。


发言人   38:46

1 2月份情况来看,我们以容量电费回收的这个规模是14个亿。如果反算到1 2月份的电量这个上面来看。2分3,美术店我们原来也判断,可能全年看下来有可能两分钱左右。因为1 2月份不具有特别代表性对吧?这个每一代产线也在陆陆续续千交易电量也陆陆续续在签,还有春节的这个发用电市场的特殊性等等等等。所以大概大概是这么个情况,大概是这么个情况。


发言人   39:26

About the capacity payment. Actually, the capacity policy has been implemented in all promises, and they have all announced its detailed policies for capacity tariff. And in those a policies, they have clarified the eligibility and test for the capacity payment for the company other than uh, our plants in dane and beijing, older partners have capacity payment indian to in union beijing, where are strive for the implementation of the capacity tarifa and in january and february the as the payment was about one point four billion rs for the company and IT was about twenty three ramper magaha uh for the unit power cells in the whole year, we estimated IT will be around twenty years of AD hour because in january and february the contracts and a is still ongoing.


发言人   40:20

我回答第二个问题,关于大石能源的经营业绩的有关情况。首先一个我也可以简单回顾一下子,就是新加坡电力市场,它是一个完全市场化的市场,在去年在部分时段它出现了供应紧张,这个批发市场产生了高电价,受此传导,它的零售市场的价格也保持了一个较高的水平。Uh so uh next let me answer question about to us power because the power market instinct is full marketization. Uh so the tenth in the future can uh pass through to the tarot the uh the tightness in in the few leads to a high tariff in the hotel. Hotel and of the retail market are also impact by this tightness.


发言人   41:18

尤其是上半年二季度的时候,它它为什么会出现这个供应紧张?我们分析一下子,主要也看看这可不可持续,一个就是说他当时上游的天然气供应不稳定,大家也都知道的原因就是供应不稳定。第二个就是在市场上它出现了机组的检修和飞艇比较多的情况,因为它的市场比较小,其实它的容错是比较有限的。第三个确确实实大家也知道什么原因,它的电力需求相对增加比较快。So first let me uh analyze the reasons for the tightness to appear.


发言人   41:58

Uh, first, the natural gas supply was unable in singapore market seconds. Some of their units was in maintaining. Some units have unplaned tage. And third is because the demand had a really a rapid growth. 当然我们大使能源抓住了这个市场的机遇,保持了我们的基础的安全运行,优化了我们的市场策略,实现了我们单位售电边际贡献的大幅提升。这个大幅提升的比例100%多的提升那么从去年下半年开始,上述这些情况就有所缓解。


发言人   42:47



发言人   43:38

So the company's twist power have seized the market opportunity and maintain a safety Operation and optimize our management. Uh our marginal contribution have a great increase more than one hundred percent. However, last year, the government men have some measures taken, ens to tackle with this problem.


发言人   43:56

The government have introduced the temporary temporary Price in cap for the market to tackle with this fluctuation, and the government also extension extend the fixed fixed contract mechanism and IT will be a guidance for the home market tariff. Uh, the fix for the fixed contracts IT was about forty to fifty thousand dollars marginal contribution. So uh, that is the measure taken by the government to drop this high tariff for a more reasonable one。


发言人   44:29

所以回到问题上来,2024年我们判断市场环境总体仍然是相对有利的。这个一就是说他的政府对用电需求的指引,我们能看出来仍然保持一个比较高的增长率,3% 4甚至更高,当然可能会有一些乐观。第二个天然气供应稳定性在增强,市场的电价是在回落。但是我们看到它是逐步回归到合理水平去,也就是按照长期边际贡献那个水平去。2024年市场上也没有薪酬金属钴。


发言人   45:11



发言人   45:50

So in twenty twenty four to his power is basically in a tail wings. In the single market, the the world lra about home market will will be around three, three percent to four percent. And the nature gas will maintain a stable supply.


发言人   46:04

The terror of will decrease. However, IT will only decrease to a reasonable level and there is no other uh units that been add to this power system. And for tooth power, we have already signed purchasing agreement to lock lock up our retail retail power sales with a relatively high Price. So IT will uh give us some base for the sound profit for the whole year. Although IT won't be the last year's abNormal high high profit, we think IT would still have a uh really uh sound profit那些。


发言人   46:41



发言人   47:07



发言人   47:40

另外一刚才您说的这个税费,so about the company's student payout policy。Since one thousand thousand and eighty eight, the company have paid sixty point six billion years, and it's about two times of the company's investors investment. And the this year, the payout ratio was about five fifty seven percent.


发言人   47:58

And that, that is also so a measure showed by the management that we respect the investor, we respect the market. According to our article of association, the divided tailed policy haven't changed. We will continue to implement this policy.


发言人   48:12

And after considering all kinds of factors about companies Operation and development, we will maintain a stable payout for our shareholders. 关于北向的税负问题,我们积极的向上级,向财税部门反馈。I will actually reports to relevant charity about the tax relief。Thank you.


发言人   48:32



发言人   49:17

So we are in the same page with our investors, and we will actually report to relevant authorities about the progress of a tax. 好,非常感谢黄总及各位领导的分享。下面我们也是第二个问题。Thank you for mr.


发言人   49:32

Wang and the the management sharing. So we will come to the next question. This this week of place.


发言人   49:42



发言人   50:17



发言人   50:38

I have three question. Uh, first, uh, could you give us the universe all guidance for the year twenty twenty four? And what is the company's view about the coal market in this year? And what is the signal process and by what percentage of our contract is signed with uh, government regulated Price range?


发言人   50:55

Second, what would be the twenty twenty four cycles for the company? Uh, as in our announcement, IT has a modern thirty percent growth. And could you talk about about the financing plan this year? And how will you control a low financial cost? Third, uh in twenty twenty four and twenty twenty five, the company aimed to add ten guards each year of renewable energy.


发言人   51:18

And could you talk about proportion for a wind and solar? Thank you. 谢谢你的提问第一个问题我来解答。第二个关于融资安排方面问题,请问魏主任来解答。第三个关于钻机方面的问题,请朱涛女士来解答。


发言人   51:36



发言人   52:13

In terms of the few market, we think the government's policy will continue, and the government's policy of stabilized the supply and control the cold cost will be unchanged. And in twenty to twenty four, we think the supply and demand structure will um change from a tight baLance to a more equilibrium. One we think there will be fluctuation, however, the Price will decrease. 或者说就是整体的,我们会认为是平衡,不排除在局部的时候,局部的地区特殊情况下会有一些紧张,但它不会改变煤价走势平稳或者价格中枢下移的这个趋势。We think in general, we there were a strike baLance between supply and demand, maybe a periodic in periodic time and where there might be some tightness eh, this won't change the whole picture that the a cool Price will stay stable and decrease.


发言人   53:15



发言人   54:04

The company will take the following measures. First, the the company will increase our recovery ratio, that means to say, that is to say, to sign more long term contract. Second, the company will improve our a implement performance.


发言人   54:19

Third, we will seek help from our groups in the industrial chain. Fourth, the company will strictly control the purchase of high spot market cal. Five, the company will add some coal blending when in our production. Six, the company will continue to seek for policy support.


发言人   54:39



发言人   55:53

About the company guidance of the whole year twenty twenty four for our cal procurement. Uh the total demand of the company me is estimated to be around two hundred million tens h one. Fifty million tens was from the domestic and fifty five million tens will purchase from overseas market.


发言人   56:09

And about the overseas purchase, the company will combine the actual need to our individual pronounce and in the and the need in the region to change our uh purchase management. And the company will also consider the market change both in the domestic market and in the overseas market. We will always uh, insist on Price Price comparing in those two markets to lower our costs. 在刚才介绍这1.5亿吨这个内贸煤当中,到目前为止我们已经签订了长期中长期合同的量是1亿2862万吨。也就是说在内贸煤总的比例是85.7%。


发言人   56:55

当然这个水平比去年我们去年是95% 95%,但我们去年的合同的兑现率最后兑现率是75%,今年目前签的覆盖率是85.7%,这当中下水煤的签约率高,合同的覆盖率占到95%。我们的直达的内贸煤现金的覆盖率相对低一些,82.5%。但是这样的比例已经满足了国家或者国家发改委要求的不低于80%的要求。


发言人   57:34

In our one hundred and fifty domestic code amount, we have already signed one hundred twenty eight point sixty two million tens and IT accounts for eighty five point seven percent of our domestic demand, uh, compared to last year. Last year, coverage ratio was ninety five percent and hour rate was seventy percent. This year, the coverage ratio was eighty five point seven percent. However, the sea bunco have a higher uh coverage ratio up to ninety five percent, and our indian coal have a courage atal of eighty two point five percent. All this, uh, a proportion is not less than the government guide eighty percent.


发言人   58:13

所有的这些中长期的合同的价格都是采用了包括基础价格加浮动,包括固定价格,包括年度定价、月度进行调整。这一切计价的方式都完全按照国家价格机制来执行,或者按照地方政府具体的价格清单来执行的。Uh for the pricing mechanism, all our long term contract used uh uh base benchmark Price plus flow a floating range fluctuation or use a fixed Price, and some use the annual annual settlement and mostly adjustment method. All of our contract was under the government regulated Price range or the provincial regulated a Price range. 今年已经过去的1 2月份,我们的拆迁每个合同的覆盖率是86%,合同的兑现率是81%。


发言人   59:13



发言人   59:47

垫脚垫脚,不好意思,电。So in january and february,the company's uh coal verage ratio was about eighty six percent, the hour rate was eighty one percent and the uh Price have a dropped uh quarter on quarter. And we said we don't have exact number for the whole year guidance. However, we think the coal Price will job even further than our tariff decrease.


发言人   01:00:15



发言人   01:01:20

So let me answer questions about our financial sources. Uh the company have in total uh two hundred ninety three point five billion in respiring debt and the financial cards have dropped by forty one basis point for the company. And as you OA focus on the eight hundred eighty point two billionths capex next year, the company uh will take measures to cut our financial cost. Uh, the company will move in line with the government, a serious conference. The government will take a present monetary policy that will create a Better circumstance for our financing and the LPR have by twenty five basis point and the the all about factor uh is uh will be uh will be good for our financing access to expand.


发言人   01:02:11

如果从具体的资金来源来看的话,公司有比较稳固的内生的来源基础。比如说我们在看到802亿的同时,也看到二三年的经营活动的净现金流入455个亿,这是非常有利的内容支持。Uh the uh capital source, we can see a very solid inner accumulation. The companies uh Operating cash inflow amount to forty five, five, five billion years.


发言人   01:02:40

如果从具体的成功的做法来看的话,在2023年公司在拓宽融资渠道的同时,也在加速着资金周转。比如说我们创历史速度的发行了20期的超短期融资券,基金公司本部,再加上其他品种债券儿的发行数量,本部发行的数量就已经接进了1000亿。这1000亿相当于电力行业里边的上市和非上市公司里边排在第二位。And the company other than to expand our financial access, we all go accelerate the trolls.


发言人   01:03:13

The company have issued twenty extreme shot deduction and IT has a total amount of one hundred billion。Uh, the numbers of death issues hit a record and ranked second in all the power producers. 在刚才判断政策和市场环境的基础上,这些好的做法在24年我们认为仍然有继续发挥的空间。The end of the current policy and market environment, we think all those factors will give us support in twenty twenty four.


发言人   01:03:46

从外部融资的支持情况来看,公司有超过6000亿的各类授信。Uh from external the company have more than six hundred billion runs, bank long credit尚未有使用的额度也在3000亿以上。所以我们在24年仍然有进一步拓宽融资渠道,从市场上获得稳定的优惠利率资金支持的来源。谢谢。And unused credit amounted to more than three hundred billion. 所以in twenty twenty four,we have abundant financing sources and to keep our financial cars at a youth day low level。


发言人   01:04:29



发言人   01:05:14

那在这个实现十四五规划过程当中,实际上公司对于发展这个新能源,我们会充分考虑公司自身可持续发展和经济效益中间的平衡,一定会坚持投向这个质量就是项目质量比较高,投资回报有保障的这些项目。Uh about the company's renewable energy capacity plan, the actually in this year uh push forward the Green transition last year, the company at twenty eight point six one gigue ds of uh renewable capacity and IT has all IT has over our our target. And during the fourth south via plan, the company aimed to add fifty four awards of renewable capacity.


发言人   01:05:57

And uh in terms of the proportion by the end fourteenth five year, the solar power, we are aiming to account about fifty percent of our hotel capacity. Uh, wind power fourteen percent. The company will also consider the sustainability development, and the possibility will insist on invest in project that is profitable for the company.


发言人   01:06:20

具体到今年的装机的规划,我们是力争能够投到10个G瓦。这里面其实对照着资本开支,因为我们也公布了我们的资本开支800 802亿里边可能大概有350亿是光伏的对应的资本开支。所以投产的这个比例基本上我们十个G瓦里面,超过55%应该是光伏的这个项目。那这个海上风电,大概有1190万,那其余的是我们这个陆上风电的项目构成。至于,刚才提到是不是就是这个自建还是收购,其实公司一直秉承开发和收购并重的理念,所以我们也会积极在自建的同时,也会积极寻求市场的机遇,努力能够实现全年的装机目标,谢谢。For this year, the company plan is to add a tiny golds of a uga energy, and the company have already announced its capex was about eighty point two a billion uh among those thirty five million of of our solar projects. Uh so in the ten guards, about fifty five percent solar projects and uh of a wind capacity we have. 

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